Julie Spinks

Julie Spinks

Managing Director, WaterRegs UK

Julie Spinks joined Water Regs UK in December 2011 and is a founding director of WaterSafe. Previously, Julie had 18 years’ experience working in the water industry in a variety of roles in water supply and wastewater operations, developer services and investment planning. She is a graduate in Biological Science, has an MBA, is a Chartered Director and a Liveryman with the Worshipful Company of Plumbers.

Water Regs UK helps to protect public health and promote water efficiency by offering advice on the water fittings regulations, providing an installer approval schemes and working with water companies who have the responsibility for enforcing the regulations. Water Regs UK is a company limited by guarantee, founded by UK water companies. WaterSafe is a national online register of approved contractors, including approved water supply pipe installers.