November 2021

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In this issue

Supplying to the green agenda

In a sustainability and green agenda special, Suzie Mayes discovers how the supply industry is helping housebuilders meet the government’s upcoming targets – Part L, the Future Homes Standard and biodiversity

The Interview - Ian Baker and Graham Hutton, Baker Estates

Baker Estates is a Devon-based SME which strives to “be good” in everything it does. Ian Baker, founder and md, and Graham Hutton, development director, talk to Suzie Mayes about the company’s dearly held values and why it is not pursuing growth

Conference returns to talk challenges

Suzie Mayes and Ben Roskrow report on last month’s Housing Market Intelligence Conference – a chance to assess where the industry is at and the issues on the horizon

Back in action

NHBC has been able to return to live events including the regional Pride in the Job Awards in September. Housebuilder talks to the events team about switching back from virtual to live

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September 2024 front cover
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Industry sees Opportunity in government

The new government is very much the focus in this year’s SWOT analysis as our panellists see a period of great Opportunity ahead. There is plenty of hope but also keen awareness of the multiple Threats and challenges which could scupper the ambition to build more new homes. Ben Roskrow analyses 2024’s SWOT results.

The Interview – Trevor Dempsey, Dandara

Trevor Dempsey is ceo of Dandara’s housebuilding division, a once-small business which is becoming more national. He talks to Suzie Mayes about getting plans back on track, his inspiration behind the company’s trainee programme and holding onto quality

Raising the roof on quality

A solid roof is a key part of safeguarding any building. NHBC gives details of its roofing masterclasses which cover this crucial part of the build

A whole life commitment

Suzie Mayes finds out how the Future Homes Hub is addressing the issue of embodied carbon through its Whole Life Conventions and tool