
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products


The new lockdown: neutralising nutrients in new development

April 7, 2021 Comment

HBF director for cities James Stevens looks at the issue of excessive nutrients flow into wetland areas which is leading to serious delays in housebuilding

Liam McAvoy

The post-pandemic home

April 6, 2021 Comment

Liam McAvoy of Hyperoptic reveals the results of detailed research into what impact the pandemic has had on the design of the modern home

Ben Cheetham

Fabric first key to meeting Part L

April 6, 2021 Comment

Ben Cheetham of Keystone Lintels welcomes the government’s recent response to Building Regs Part L and explains why a fabric first approach is critical

Charis Beverton

More questions than answers from building safety announcement

March 4, 2021 Comment

More funding for building safety is welcome says Charis Beverton, senior associate at Winckworth Sherwood, but we need more detail

Rob Kendal

Engagement during a pandemic

March 3, 2021 Comment

Rob Kendal of Tamdown considers how engagement with customers, employees and others has dramatically changed during the pandemic

Richard Jones

The influence of the pandemic on the Local Plan

March 3, 2021 Comment

Arcadis partner Richard Jones finds that some local authorities are already learning the lessons of the pandemic and applying new thinking

Andrew Morgan

Future proofing in a time of change

March 3, 2021 Comment

Andrew Morgan, planning partner at DAC Beachcroft, says that developers need to ensure their new homes are ready for future regulation changes


A roadmap to lead industry through a new environmental era

March 3, 2021 Comment

HBF director of external affairs John Slaughter looks at how the new homes sector will find a pathway to deliver what is required on the road to net zero

Stewart Baseley new

Collaboration key to building safety solution

March 3, 2021 Comment

HBF executive chairman Stewart Baseley says collaboration on the quality agenda is the blueprint to tackling the issue of building safety

Ben Roskrow

Covid and green agenda bring change

March 3, 2021 Comment

Ben Roskrow sees some radical changes for new homes ahead due to the pandemic and the road to net zero