
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Whose design is it anyway?

Nov. 22, 2019 Comment

Paul Smith, managing director of the Strategic Land Group, looks at the issues arising from the new National Design Guide

Ben Roskrow

Turning public perceptions around

Nov. 7, 2019 Comment

Ben Roskrow argues that the industry is again at a key point - with the right moves on quality and the environment it can win back the public's heart

Andrew Howard

Taking the “p” out of planning

Nov. 6, 2019 Comment

Andrew Howard of BECG argues for the introduction of regional inspectorates to take the local politics out of planning

Paul Turton

Lenders levelling the playing field

Nov. 6, 2019 Comment

Paul Turton of United Trust Bank looks at how a good lender can help SME housebuilders to grab new development opportunities

Robert Lee

A healthy option for senior living

Nov. 6, 2019 Comment

Robert Lee of DAC Beachcroft looks at the factors driving change in the senior housing market

Sarah White

Comfort, health and wellbeing in new homes

Nov. 6, 2019 Comment

Sarah White of British Gypsum urges developers to prioritise sustainability to build a zero carbon future

Carolyn Jackson-Potter

The untapped opportunity gap

Nov. 6, 2019 Comment

Aylesworth Fleming md Carolyn Jackson-Potter argues that housebuilders have to understand and embrace their customers' needs

Richard Jones

Quality focus driven by a different business model

Nov. 6, 2019 Comment

Arcadis partner Richard Jones see changes towards a much more quality-focused development agenda

Stewart Baseley new

A strategy for a new decade

Nov. 6, 2019 Comment

Executive chairman Stewart Baseley introduces HBF’s 2020s vision strategy, focusing on one of four key aspects – environmental and social responsibilities

Stewart Baseley new

A strategy for a new decade

Oct. 30, 2019 Comment

Executive chairman Stewart Baseley introduces HBF’s 2020s vision strategy