
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Victoria Brocklesby

Efficient windows and doors can improve EPC ratings and enhance property value

Oct. 6, 2023 Comment

Victoria Brocklesby, COO at aluminium window manufacturer Origin, discusses the growing importance of thermal efficiency and its effect on buying decisions

Daniel Redfern

Housebuilders can help spread the sun protection message

Aug. 24, 2023 Comment

Daniel Redfern, marketing manager at Marley, explains how housebuilders can ensure their teams of outdoor workers can stay “Safe in the Sun” this summer

Caroline Gray Mason

Getting on the front foot with water neutrality

July 23, 2023 Comment

Caroline Gray Mason, business development director – water at Cenergist, looks at the tools housebuilders can use to combat water scarcity

Stephen Rush

The importance of getting it right first time

July 21, 2023 Comment

Stephen Rush of Lion Sales & Marketing shares his advice on how to "get it right first time" in new home development

Colin Brown

The unintended consequences of new landbanking policies

July 17, 2023 Comment

Colin Brown of Carter Jonas, says the housing secretary’s proposals to address landbanking and could make the delivery problem worse

Simon Coop

Viability: the key to deliverability

July 16, 2023 Comment

At a time of high inflation and with policy expectations increasing, the viability challenge has never been so acute for schemes, says Lichfields' Simon Coop

Stewart Baseley new

Helping to change the policy direction

July 12, 2023 Comment

It is becoming harder for the government to ignore the myriad problems the industry is facing, despite its anti-development rhetoric, says Stewart Baseley

Joan Senior

Marketing the eco home message

July 6, 2023 Comment

Joan Senior, AF Oliver’s PR director, looks at the messaging around homes' sustainability and eco credentials

Chris Ibbitson

Helping housebuilders build future homes

July 5, 2023 Comment

Chris Ibbitson, channel manager contracts – Electrolux Group, looks at how the company’s sustainable innovations are helping housebuilders

Richard Jones

Understanding the role of the joint venture supervisor

July 5, 2023 Comment

As joint ventures become a key element in delivering the housing numbers the country needs, Arcadis partner Richard Jones explores the role of the joint ventur…