
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Stewart Baseley new

Change coming apace for housebuilders

May 1, 2019 Comment

Stewart Baseley gives his take on the myriad of issues arising from the HBF’s Policy conference

David O'Leary

Great strides on diversity - but gender pay gap shows much to be done

May 1, 2019 Comment

HBF policy director David O’Leary looks at the latest round of mandatory gender pay gap

Ben Roskrow

The nature of targets

May 1, 2019 Comment

Ben Roskrow wonders whether its time to revisit the 300,000 new homes a year target

Adrian Forbes

Third party testing is key to proven quality

April 5, 2019 Comment

Adrian Forbes looks at the increasing importance of testing and accreditation in the construction industry

Andrew Howard

The “disrupters” must address bigger picture

April 5, 2019 Comment

Andrew Howard argues that just “disrupting” the housing market will not deliver the homes that we need

Emma Thomas

The importance of listening to parliament’s chatter on housing

April 5, 2019 Comment

Emma Thomas says that behind the Brexit noise there is plenty of important housing discussion underway in parliament

Niclas Staberg

Clicks and mortar – embracing the digital evolution of the property sector

April 5, 2019 Comment

Niclas Staberg says the new homes industry needs to embrace technological change

The housing association development model – is it a concern?

April 5, 2019 Comment

Richard Jones looks at why housing associations are downgrading their budget forecasts

Ben Roskrow

It’s time to talk about our mental health

April 5, 2019 Comment

Ben Roskrow looks at the shocking stats on suicide in construction

Perry Miller

New approaches in changing times

March 6, 2019 Comment

Perry Miller, partner at Newgate, argues that urban developers have to adjust to changing attitudes