
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Steve Menary

Margins squeezed as costs increase and outlook dims

May 2, 2018 Comment

Steve Menary looks at the latest financial updates from the housebuilding sector and wonders if margins may be squeezed in the future

Stuart Nicholson

Raising roofing standards

May 2, 2018 Comment

Marley Eternit's Stuart Nicholson says new standards will improve roof security and reduce claims

Christopher Stanwell

Developing a sense of place

May 2, 2018 Comment

Christopher Stanwell, head of planning at DAC Beachroft, considers how the demands for space in the city centre can be managed

Kami Nagi

Measuring the Build to Rent premium

May 2, 2018 Comment

Kami Nagi, research consultant at Countrywide, examines the Build to Rent market and reveals new research in this area

A more intelligent delivery model

May 2, 2018 Comment

Arcadis partner Richard Jones looks at the increasing and varied number of organisations looking to be involved in joint ventures

john marsh

A watershed moment for housebuilders

April 4, 2018 Comment

John Marsh, water director at GTC, explains how new rules being introduced this month (April) will open up the water market

Liam Kelly

Offsite components - adding kerb appeal to new homes

April 4, 2018 Comment

Liam Kelly, managing director of IG Elements, says working in partnership with housebuilders can boost build methods and design

Considering the draft London Plan

April 4, 2018 Comment

Richard Jones, partner at Arcadis, analyses the draft London Plan and considers whether it can achieve the target for the capital of 65,000 homes a yea

Steve Menary

Build cost inflation prompts industry innovation

April 4, 2018 Comment

Steve Menary takes a look at build cost inflation and its impact on the industry

David O'Leary

Landing the big arguments on developer contributions

April 4, 2018 Comment

HBF policy director David O’Leary looks at new research looking at developer contributions towards infrastructure