
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Get your aircut

Sept. 1, 2009 Feature

When making a dwelling airtight to prevent air leakage, it is important to also provide adequate ventilation: build tight – ventilate right

Variety club

Sept. 1, 2009 Feature

The NHBC Foundation’s latest publication is a pioneering global research report that sets out international aims, aspirations and achievements of sustainabilit…

Community test

Sept. 1, 2009 Feature

Conservative party proposals to shift the emphasis of planning to local communities are worrying housebuilders. But they can work, argues Mike Hardware of Ch…

When 2+2=5

Sept. 1, 2009 Feature

Bill Mackie of Cripps Harries Hall reviews a recent and important dispute on the calculation of land value


Sept. 1, 2009 Feature

Housebuilder asked a series of experts to carry out a SWOT analysis on the housebuilding industry to crystallise their views of how they see the market today. …

Relieving the parking pressure by Total Parking Solutions

July 1, 2009 Feature

"A car that is locked away from vandalism, damage and theft could equal reduced insurance premiums" PAT HENSON, SALES MANAGER, TOTAL PARKING SOLUTIONS


July 1, 2009 Feature

Site appeal

July 1, 2009 Feature

Having announced this year’s 400 Quality Award winners the judges of NHBC’s 29th annual Pride in the Job Awards have a unique view of how operations on thousan…

Elmhurst Energy

July 1, 2009 Feature

Autonomous assessment

July 1, 2009 Feature

The Long Sutton Autonomous House, to be occupied by the end of the year, is a different approach to Code level six, incorporating zero heating and body heat. S…