
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Think nationally, act locally

June 1, 2007 Feature

While national politics undergoes a seismic shift this month, the results of the May local elections will also have some major implications for developers acro…

Planning fatigue

June 1, 2007 Feature

The planning white paper makes some radical suggestions, but Ian Thorn of Meeting Place Communications suggests an overhaul of the entire system’s structure

The industry’s stars

June 1, 2007 Feature

The people who mattered most to the industry in 2006 can now be revealed…

The politics of aspiration

June 1, 2007 Feature

Falling home ownership levels among aspirational young people dictates that housing will be a prime vote grabber in the next election; Gordon Brown has seen …

Stone on a roll

June 1, 2007 Feature

Crest Nicholson chief executive Stephen Stone tells Allison Heller how he is gearing for growth, with his new heavyweight backers fully behind the brand

Numbers To Fall

June 1, 2007 Feature

Taking all this evidence together points towards a decline in housing completions in the immediate future. The slowdown in 2006 was probably a turning point, r…

Blair\'s Legacy: Was it good for you?

June 1, 2007 Feature

Set the numbers against the rhetoric and Blair’s legacy on housing looks at best pretty shabby

In with the new...

June 1, 2007 Feature

As Tony Blair plans to hand power to Gordon Brown on June 27, industry stakeholders look forward to a new premiership and back on Blair’s legacy in housing and…

Driving Range

May 1, 2007 Feature

As cars become more luxurious, home owners want a garage to match. Ashley Rogers finds out how the garage door is keeping up with consumer expectations

Door policy

May 1, 2007 Feature

The wrong door can put a potential buyer off before they even set foot inside a new home. Tim Palmer finds out how to match the door to the development