New Homes Bonus “will not deliver homes quickly”
Barratt boosts margin in tough autumn
Industry warn Osborne of "onerous" FSA proposals
Industry bodies have today (November 16) sent a letter to the chancellor George Osborne warning him of the “dire consequences” of the FSA’s proposals to change…
Taylor sees stable trading
Taylor Wimpey has enjoyed stable trading “against a backdrop of economic uncertainty,” the housebuilder has said in a statement to the City today (November 16).
CABE to be wound up by March
CABE (Commission of Architecture and the Built Environment) will “in its present form,” be wound up by March 2011, it has been confirmed.
Persimmon maintains stable sales position
Persimmon has stated today (November 15) that its sales volumes have remained stable from the period July 1 to November 15 2010.
New Code for Sustainable Homes published
The government has published its update to the Code for Sustainable Homes.
Government launches New Homes Bonus consultation
The government has today (November 12) launched its consultation on the New Homes Bonus.
Pickles says Cala decision "changes very little"
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