Taylor Wimpey to shed hundreds of jobs after failed rights issue
Taylor Wimpey has announced further cost cutting exercises after an emergency share issue aimed at raising £500 million has failed.
New hub to co-ordinate 2016 targets
Energy requirements for Building Regulations
Government poll shows support for ecotowns
Auctions on the rise
Technical Update – Stefano Alba, URS - Exemption day
Stefano Alba of URS Corporation advises companies to prepare for the introduction of new landfill tax exemption laws, which come into effect on December 1
Legal - Safe as houses
Phil Morrison, head of construction at Langleys Solicitors, advises that developers should be looking at ways to protect their businesses through the downturn
Towards Zero – Miller Homes
Miller Homes’ Miller Zero housing project is now under construction. Design manager Craig Ferrans discusses the product specification that enables the homes to…
Walrus - Careers advice: beware the cycles
It’s all fantastic, cutting edge, long term stuff. Then you get a sharp reminder. The fantastic, cutting edge, long term stuff is put on hold while you try to …
The View from Here – Geoff Fricker, Rightmove
Geoff Fricker of online property portal Rightmove shares his views on how the downturn is presenting new opportunities for the new build sector to gain a compe…
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