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The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

City Focus

May 1, 2008

Private companies have the opportunity to take a longer term view in a downturn; Strata and others are rapidly adapting their business strategies, reports Stev…

Bank data shows mortgage approvals at early 90s level

April 30, 2008

Latest figures from the Bank of England show that mortgage approvals from homes fell from 72,000 to 64,000 in March – a level comparable to the seen during the…

Abbey takes lion’s share of mortgage market

April 30, 2008

Abbey has announced results for the first quarter of the year, which show it has increased its stake of the mortgage market to 15.9% - up from 4.9% in 2007, an…

Wren posts pre-tax loss for first half

April 30, 2008

AIM-listed Wren Homes has posted a pre-tax loss of £393,970 for the first half to January 31, following a drop in sales resulting from the market downturn. Dur…

Savills predicts 6% fall in property market over next two years

April 29, 2008

The property market will experience total falls of 6% over the next two years, Savills Research has predicted in a revised forecast.

Abbey and Nationwide further tighten lending criteria

April 29, 2008

The government’s £50 billion liquidity injection into the banking sector appears to have had little impact so far on mortgage availability, with Nationwide and…

Inside Track folds

April 29, 2008

Buy-to-let investment specialist Inside Track has gone into administration. The firm sold seminars around the country promising consumers they could become “pr…

Site waste management guide available

April 28, 2008

To help construction workers understand site waste management plans, now a legal requirement in England, NetRegs has produced downloadable guidance.

Persimmon to suspend new site starts until market recovers

April 24, 2008

Persimmon has announced that it is postponing work on all scheduled new sites until the market improves.

UK can survive downturn but industry must be “proactive” – Flint

April 24, 2008

The UK can face the challenges of the toughening market but the industry needs to be proactive, housing minister Caroline Flint told delegates at HBF’s AGM yes…