Mega expansion plan means doubling capacity
In the frame for growth
Century Homes will be the world leader in timber frame technology if chief executive Gerry McCaughey’s ambitions go to plan. Allison Heller finds out what’s co…
Kitchens and bathrooms in a pod
Closed panel systems and prefabricated pods are now being produced by a number of innovative manufacturers, including Westbury’s Space 4 operation, Stewart Mil…
Going with the grain
The timber frame sector is growing rapidly, partly as a result of government drives to promote sustainable materials. Allison Heller gets the low-down on how s…
Panel leaders
Tim Palmer reports on the growing use of rigid insulation panels and other new high performance insulants
timber frame
In this month’s product review we look at the rapidly evolving timber frame and insulation sectors. Changing thermal insulation regulatory requirements are hav…
Cathedral class
Steve Menary visits Stamford’s classy Hungate site in the cathedral city of Lincoln and discusses the firm’s future strategy with md Mick Noble
Tim Sargeant
[MMC-IMG=436-A=Right] 38 year old chief executive of City && Country Group, formerly Sarbir Developments, tells us he’s keen on gardening - as his 900 year old…
Ashmead’s voice is heard
Rob Ashmead took over as the House Builders Federation’s chief executive two years ago. He said then that he wanted the industry to speak with one voice and b…
Due process
Housebuilder’s legal team from Campbell Hooper - Heather O’Sullivan, Sara Hampson, Stuart Jordan and Bill Bidder - ends the year with a look consultations for …
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