
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

Republicans hold key Florida vote

Jan. 17, 2008 Comment

Republicans in Florida are voting in a crucial primary election for the candidate they want to represent their party in the US presidential race.

The Walrus

Dec. 1, 2007 Comment

An Olympic stadium made from recycled components? It certainly inspires some fresh ideas for sustainable sports

John Stewart

John Stewart’s Viewpoint

Dec. 1, 2007 Comment

While the market slowdown may affect build rates in the short term,it is unlikely to hamper the achievement of the government\'s longer term 2016 targets

Get quangoed

Dec. 1, 2007 Comment

Hook up with Yorkshire Forward, which managed to splurge £60,000 on a staff event at Center Parcs

John Stewart

John Stewart’s Viewpoint

Nov. 1, 2007 Comment

CABE regularly slams the quality of new homes, but the quango’s housing audit process appears far from transparent or balanced, as one would expect from a publ…

Amnesia approach

Nov. 1, 2007 Comment

So universal has our collective head-in-thesand strategy been, that it’s actually worked

John Stewart

Facing facts

Oct. 1, 2007 Comment

It is disappointing that so little time is being devoted to housing during the party conference season although the crisis remains high on the political radar …

John Stewart

Market stress

Oct. 1, 2007 Comment

Although there are conflicting signals from the main house price data indices, the market seems to be weakening

Downing Street downer

Oct. 1, 2007 Comment

Dear HB! A monthly missive from our man in town