
The latest news, features, comment and analysis of the UK housebuilding market covering policy, regulation, planning, technology, new developments and products

John Stewart

John Stewart’s Viewpoint - Grounds for

Sept. 1, 2007 Comment

The planning system is the subject of yet more reforms; this time there are grounds for optimism that the new-look system will help achieve a step-change in ho…

Sing along to your favourite industry hits

Sept. 1, 2007 Comment

You’ll have to know the chorus to realise exactly how Kurt Cobain felt about the dismal prospect of domestic incarceration in 21st century Watford prefabs, but…

John Stewart

Economics lesson

Aug. 1, 2007 Comment

The forthcoming Office of Fair Trading inquiry will eat up precious resources which could be better put to increasing housing supply, but it will hopefully put…

With conkers and council housing back in vogue it is like the 70s all over again

Aug. 1, 2007 Comment

If my own parents had denied me access to tree climbing, I would never have acquired the skills necessary to scale the lamp post to recover my plimsolls

A likely story

Aug. 1, 2007 Comment

Now is the happy time, when we all go forward, shoulder to shoulder, heads in the clouds

John Stewart

Industry under

July 1, 2007 Comment

The OFT’s study of the housebuilding market may not be welcome, coming on top of Barker and Callcutt and at a time of unprecedented regulation expansion and ch…

Inspired by HIPs assessors’plans to seek compensation for pointless training initiatives…

July 1, 2007 Comment

Inspired by HIPs assessors’plans to seek compensation for pointless training initiatives…I have a sleeveful of badges to prove my competencies as an astronomer…

Passing the buck

July 1, 2007 Comment

Chancer Brown will get away with what he does best – dodging responsibility

Nothing to hide

July 1, 2007 Comment

The popular accusation of landbanking practices holding up supply has again raised its head